How to render xfdf back into pdf

i have got around 8 annotations drawn across 3 pages of pdf and stored in a variable, when i choose selectAll, there is missing annotations in 1st page sometimes, 2nd page sometimes, i am not sure for what reason this issue is arising, when i select individual checkbox, i get annotation draw perfectly, but when i checkfor all annotations at a time, it is getting missed from getting drawn, but i am able to get 8 times detection, i mean all 8 items are going in list.

  selectAllAnnotations() {
    for (let i = 0; i < storedAnnotationList.length; i++) {
      setTimeout(() => {

  setAnnotation(event: any) {
    this.renderingInstance = event.annotationString;

    this.setAnnotationEvent.subscribe(() => {
        const annotationsList = annotationManager.getAnnotationsList();
        const xfdfString = this.renderingInstance;
        this.renderingInstance = '';

this method is called inside WebViewer

this.setAnnotationEvent.subscribe(() => {
        const annotationsList = annotationManager.getAnnotationsList();
        const xfdfString = this.renderingInstance;
        this.renderingInstance = '';

so when i choose on selectAll, selectAllAnnotations() method hits and here, i am calling setAnnotation() method, so object by object, the annotations are going and getting added to pdf with this.setAnnotationEvent. last set of code.
am i wrong here?