After delete annotation some time is doesn't remove from pdf

Which product are you using?
PDF.js Express Plus

PDF.js Express Version

Detailed description of issue
When I call delete API for delete annotation from pdf some time annotation is delete and remove from pdf but in some time annotation is deleted successfully but it doesn’t remove from pdf. Even that annotation is clickable and selectable still on the pdf. If I reload the page it remove the annotation from the pdf. Annotations are created programmatically

Expected behaviour


I want to delete these annotation at the same time of API success response using programmatically

Hi there,

Thank you for calling pdf.js express forums,

I was unable to reproduce this issue on the demo: PDF.js Viewer Demo | PDF.js Express

You could potentially try re-rendering the page to get the annotation to fully delete:

Best regards,
Kevin Kim

How can I use refreshAll() and refreshPage(pageNumber) in react? Can you share one example code for the same?

Hi there,

Please see our react sample project for reference:

The API should work after creating the WebViewer instance. If you are still experiencing issues, could you share a minimal reproducible sample project?

Best regards,
Kevin Kim