Do you have any example from PDF to database

Hey there! Thanks for your interest in PDF.js Express.

PDF form data and annotations are serialized in XFDF format, which is just a XML like string that can imported/exported into the viewer.

To export the annotations into a XFDF string, you can use the exportAnnotations API.

WebViewer({...options}, ele).then(instance => {
   const { annotManager, docViewer } = instance;

   // Call this when you want to save
   const saveAnnots = async () => {
      const xfdfString = await annotManager.exportAnnotations();
      // send XFDF to server for saving via AJAX here

Later on, to load those form fields, you can simply call importAnnotations.

WebViewer({...options}, ele).then(instance => {
   const { annotManager, docViewer } = instance;

   docViewer.on('documentLoaded', async () => {
     // load XFDF string from server here
     const xfdf = await fetchXFDFFromServer();
     await annotManager.importAnnotations(xfdf);

If you have any more questions feel free to let me know.
