Export and import of DatePickerWidgetAnnotation

The FreeText annot that you see in the XFDF is from the process used to create the Date field. I’m dropping FreeText annot on the PDF and then converting them to specific Widgets, this is what is creating the ffield, widget and fields xml int eh XFDF.

I’m create the datefield with the following.:

else if (annot.getCustomData("type") === "Date") {
          //flags.set(instance.Annotations.WidgetFlags.EDIT, false);
          const font = new instance.Annotations.Font({ name: "Helvetica" });
          field = new instance.Annotations.Forms.Field(annot.Id, {
            type: "Tx",
            //value: annot.getCustomData("defaultchecked"),
            //value: true,
          annotField = new instance.Annotations.DatePickerWidgetAnnotation(field);

The field works properly once created, but does not work once extracted and reloaded from the xfdf.