I have created DatePicker using the below script
applyFields: async function () {
const { Annotations, docViewer } = this.instance;
const annotManager = docViewer.getAnnotationManager();
const fieldManager = annotManager.getFieldManager();
const annotationsList = annotManager.getAnnotationsList();
const annotsToDelete = [];
const annotsToDraw = [];
await Promise.all(
annotationsList.map(async (annot, index) => {
let inputAnnot;
let field;
if (typeof annot.custom !== "undefined") {
// create a form field based on the type of annotation
if (annot.custom.type === "TEXT") {
field = new Annotations.Forms.Field(
annot.getContents() + Date.now() + index,
type: "Tx",
value: annot.custom.value,
inputAnnot = new Annotations.TextWidgetAnnotation(field);
} else if (annot.custom.type === "SIGNATURE") {
field = new Annotations.Forms.Field(
annot.getContents() + Date.now() + index,
type: "Sig",
inputAnnot = new Annotations.SignatureWidgetAnnotation(field, {
appearance: "_DEFAULT",
appearances: {
Normal: {
offset: {
x: 100,
y: 100,
} else if (annot.custom.type === "DATE") {
const flags = new Annotations.WidgetFlags();
field = new Annotations.Forms.Field(
type: "Tx",
value: "m-d-yyyy",
// Actions need to be added for DatePickerWidgetAnnotation to recognize this field.
actions: {
F: [
name: "JavaScript",
// You can customize the date format here between the two double-quotation marks
// or leave this blank to use the default format
javascript: 'AFDate_FormatEx("mmm d, yyyy");',
K: [
name: "JavaScript",
// You can customize the date format here between the two double-quotation marks
// or leave this blank to use the default format
javascript: 'AFDate_FormatEx("mmm d, yyyy");',
inputAnnot = new Annotations.DatePickerWidgetAnnotation(field);
} else {
// exit early for other annotations
annotManager.deleteAnnotation(annot, false, true); // prevent duplicates when importing xfdf
} else {
// exit early for other annotations
// set position
inputAnnot.PageNumber = annot.getPageNumber();
inputAnnot.X = annot.getX();
inputAnnot.Y = annot.getY();
inputAnnot.rotation = annot.Rotation;
if (annot.Rotation === 0 || annot.Rotation === 180) {
inputAnnot.Width = annot.getWidth();
inputAnnot.Height = annot.getHeight();
} else {
inputAnnot.Width = annot.getHeight();
inputAnnot.Height = annot.getWidth();
// delete original annotation
// customize styles of the form field
Annotations.WidgetAnnotation.getCustomStyles = function (widget) {
if (widget instanceof Annotations.SignatureWidgetAnnotation) {
return {
border: "1px solid #a5c7ff",
// draw the annotation the viewer
// delete old annotations
annotManager.deleteAnnotations(annotsToDelete, null, true);
// refresh viewer
await annotManager.drawAnnotationsFromList(annotsToDraw);
await this.uploadForSigning();
But while rendering the fields while signing document it’s displaying as text field not as datepicker