Date text box is not visible in PDF Express viewer
PDF Express viewer
Normal pdf viewer
Date text box is not visible in PDF Express viewer
PDF Express viewer
Normal pdf viewer
Hi Iakshan,
When you are loading the Date FreeTextAnnotation, are you using the importAnnotations API?Importing and exporting annotations | Documentation
Can you also provide any console error messages if any?
Best Regards,
Kevin Kim
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.
Share how you are using PDF.js Express in your organization you could win a $500 Amazon gift card. All participants will receive 6 months of PDF.js Express+ for free. Learn more here
No we are not using import annotations. We are using flattened annotations
There were no errors in console
FYI. It’s not working even in your demo site
Date is not visible
Hi Iakshan,
i was able to load the flattened Date FreeTextAnnotations on the demo site:
Are you able to share the file (pdf) that had the issue?
Best Regards,
Kevin Kim
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.
Share how you are using PDF.js Express in your organization you could win a $500 Amazon gift card. All participants will receive 6 months of PDF.js Express+ for free. Learn more here
The PDF I have mentioned, contains form fields not freetextannotations. Those form fields are not visible in PDF express viewer. It’s working properly in normal PDF viewer
Cannot provide this original document. we will try to create a similar PDF for testing purpose
Hi lakshan,
Can you reproduce the issue for the PDF.js Express Plus?
Express Viewer may not support that particular annotation: PDF.js License Pricing for Commercial Viewer | PDF.js Express
Best Regards,
Kevin Kim
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.
Share how you are using PDF.js Express in your organization you could win a $500 Amazon gift card. All participants will receive 6 months of PDF.js Express+ for free. Learn more here
Hi lakshan,
I will wait for your sample document so I can reproduce this on my end.
Thank you in advance.
Best Regards,
Kevin Kim
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.
Share how you are using PDF.js Express in your organization you could win a $500 Amazon gift card. All participants will receive 6 months of PDF.js Express+ for free. Learn more here
sample document attached here. please check this document
The Park Hotel London_08-09-2022_Daily Drop Deposit Log (1) (1) (1).pdf (104.4 KB)
Hi lakshan,
If I enter your file into the demo, I get the following errors in the console:
It looks like for now pdf.js won’t be able to support this flatedecode. Can you test with a non flattened annotation of the same annotation type?
Best Regards,
Kevin Kim
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.
Share how you are using PDF.js Express in your organization you could win a $500 Amazon gift card. All participants will receive 6 months of PDF.js Express+ for free. Learn more here
Can you please check with technical teams and let me know whether non flattened annotations support these type of PDFs.
Thanks and regards,
Hi Lakshan,
When you load a pdf with a form field (example attached) Into pdf.js express,
document.pdf (7.6 KB)
you will see the following:
This is a form field that you can edit. Please note that the above example form field has not been flattened.
If I try another pdf document with flattened form field (attached):
document (1).pdf (9.1 KB)
I am unable to edit as it is flattened.
I hope this helps with your inquiries.
Best Regards,
Kevin Kim
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.
Share how you are using PDF.js Express in your organization you could win a $500 Amazon gift card. All participants will receive 6 months of PDF.js Express+ for free. Learn more here