Detailed description of issue
When I open huge document then I waiting for rendering. Before document is full rendered I close (hide) viewer and them it’s look like pages are still rendered in background - my site and browser are slowdown (till I reload page).
I hide viewer according to best practices
and on hide viewer I also try to relase resources
and after some time close them and try to release resources as I already mentioned.
How exactly I should close, stopping background operations and release resources properly of viewer?
Please ensure any references to the viewer have been cleared or any properties being saved, this can keep a reference to the instance stored in memory.
If you are still downloading the document from the server or fetching data, you’ll need to cancel that as well.
Thank you, I’m ensured of that.
Could you explain me, which exactly functions I should call when I close (hide) webviewer (to achive stop rendering and release resources)?