Detailed description of issue
I want to create a custom selection model based on the default 8 point selection model which is associated to FreeTextAnnotation. I need only 1 bottom right control handle, have seen the custom annotation sample of triangle but could do much. Please guide.
Expected behaviour
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Does your issue happen with every document, or just one?
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Link to document
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Just wanted to let you know we have not forgot about your question. I’m trying to find the best way to accomodate this use case - I will send you some code today. Selection models are pretty complex.
Sorry for the delay again. Very busy this time of month!
Here is some code that creates a custom selection model with only one control point on the bottom right. Admittedly, our APIs for this kind of thing aren’t the best so this code is a bit gross, but we will be working on improving these APIs in the future.
const { Annotations, annotManager } = instance;
const CustomFreeTextControlHandle = function (annotation) {
this.annotation = annotation;
CustomFreeTextControlHandle.prototype = new Annotations.ControlHandle();
CustomFreeTextControlHandle.prototype.getDimensions = function (annotation, _, zoom) {
let x = annotation.X + annotation.Width;
let y = annotation.Y + annotation.Height;
// Use the default width and height
const width = Annotations.ControlHandle.handleWidth / zoom;
const height = Annotations.ControlHandle.handleHeight / zoom;
// adjust for the control handle's own width and height
x -= width * 0.5;
y -= height * 0.5;
return new Annotations.Rect(x, y, x + width, y + height);
CustomFreeTextControlHandle.prototype.move = function (annotation, deltaX, deltaY, fromPoint, toPoint) {
annotation.Width += deltaX
annotation.Height += deltaY
const x1 = annotation.X;
const x2 = annotation.X + annotation.Width
const y1 = annotation.Y;
const y2 = annotation.Y + annotation.Height;
const rect = new Annotations.Rect(x1, y1, x2, y2);
return true;
const CustomFreeTextSelectionModel = function (annotation, canModify) {, annotation, canModify);
if (canModify) {
const controlHandles = this.getControlHandles();
controlHandles.push(new CustomFreeTextControlHandle(annotation));
CustomFreeTextSelectionModel.prototype = new Annotations.SelectionModel();
Annotations.FreeTextAnnotation.prototype.selectionModel = CustomFreeTextSelectionModel;
annotManager.on('annotationChanged', (annots, action) => {
if (action === 'add') {
const freeText = annots.filter(annot => annot instanceof Annotations.FreeTextAnnotation && annot.getIntent() !== Annotations.FreeTextAnnotation.Intent['FreeTextCallout'])
for (const annot of freeText) {
annot.selectionModel = CustomFreeTextSelectionModel