I have downloaded react project which you have given, It is runnning for viewing but if I am trying to import and export markup then giving some undefined error.
In instance, there is no core object and if i am calling documentViewer.addEventListener then it is also not working.
Also can you please guide me for how to save & extract annotations.
path: ‘/webviewer/lib’,
initialDoc: ‘/files/pdftron_about.pdf’,
).then((instance) => {
const { docViewer, Annotations } = instance;
const {DocumentViewer} = instance.CoreControls;
console.log("instance : ",instance,instance.Core,instance.annotManager.exportAnnotations());
const annotManager = docViewer.getAnnotationManager();
DocumentViewer.addEventListener(‘documentLoaded’, async () => {
const fileData = await DocumentViewer.getDocument().getFileData({});
const blob = new Blob([fileData], {type: ‘application/pdf’})
const data = new FormData();
data.append('file', blob);
// data.append('license', my_license_key);
// Process the file
const response = await fetch('https://api.pdfjs.express/xfdf/extract', {
method: 'post',
body: data
}).then(resp => resp.json());
const { xfdf } = response;
const importedAnnotations = await annotManager.importAnnotations(xfdf);
// docViewer.on('documentLoaded', async () => {
// // Save to your database
// // await saveToDatabase(xfdfString)
// const rectangleAnnot = new Annotations.RectangleAnnotation();
// rectangleAnnot.PageNumber = 1;
// // values are in page coordinates with (0, 0) in the top left
// rectangleAnnot.X = 100;
// rectangleAnnot.Y = 150;
// rectangleAnnot.Width = 200;
// rectangleAnnot.Height = 50;
// rectangleAnnot.Author = annotManager.getCurrentUser();
// annotManager.addAnnotation(rectangleAnnot);
// // need to draw the annotation otherwise it won't show up until the page is refreshed
// annotManager.redrawAnnotation(rectangleAnnot);
// });