Licensing Review


While reviewing the licensing agreement for pdf.js express, it mentions two sub-bullet restrictions that I am not clearly understanding.

  1. You may not modify, port, adapt, translate or create derivative works based on, or any competitive or emulating software products, service, or applications using, the Software, and ownership of any such unauthorized works together with the copyrights, patents and trade secrets embodied therein will vest in PDFTron upon creation of the same

Is the bold referring to my company using pdf.js express and re-branding it as my own to then utilize with my client-base?

Could this be explained in laymen’s terms?

    • You may not use the Software in or pursuant to any custom development services agreements with any third party. I’ll set up a few minutes for us to discuss this last bullet to make sure we can comply.

My company would like to utilize pdf.js express to convey a pdf to our client’s end-users. Does this prevent us from doing so? Does “Services agreements with any third party” constitute as my clients?

Hi Zhales,

These basically mean you cant repackage PDFJS Express to and re-sell it to your customers. If you are implementing a PDF viewing application then that is fine, but re-selling the APIs is not.

Thank you,