Panel Signature Enable

How do I release the subscription panel as in the attached image?


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Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to pdf.js express forums,

pdf.js does not support digital signatures, please consider migrating to Apryse’s WebViewer for this support:

Best regards,
Kevin Kim

Pdf.js, Apryse and PDFTRON, are from the same company?

I recently purchased an annual pdf.js view license

Hi there,

PDFTron rebranded to Apryse, and pdf.js falls under Apryse as a secondary product.
Please note that pdf.js and Apryse SDK have separate license and I believe the above screenshot you provided falls under Apryse WebViewer.

Best regards,
Kevin Kim

what is the price of this version

Hi there,

To get started with Apryse WebViewer, please contact their sales team:

Best regards,
Kevin Kim