Render Radiobutton when checkbox is filled

We have 1 api key for the viewer and 1 api to make request for merge file for instance

After reviewing your license keys it appears that you have it set to multiple domains. We only support one domain, not comma separated. You also do not need to specify localhost.

Please set your domain to just one domain please and this will solve the watermark issue.

Best Regards,
Zach Serviss
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.

Do you have more infos on the checkbox rendering ?

Not as of yet, we will let you know when it is fixed.

Best Regards,
Zach Serviss
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.

Hello, sorry to insiste but we spend over 4500 $ in ur soft and it should at least works as expected, it’s been 2 weeks we reported the issue …

Hello, do you have news ?

Hello @henri.piot,

Unfortunately we do not have an update with this issue.

Best Regards,
Zach Serviss
Web Development Support Engineer
PDFTron Systems, Inc.

Hello, thank you for your answer, I don’t understrand how this can take this time, it’s a core feature of any PDF reader software

Hello, really need to have info about this fixe it’s a core feature in my app

Hello, any news about this issue ?

Hello henri.piot,

We do not have an update on this issue as of right now, I will re-evaluate the priority on our backlog for this item.

Best regards,
Tyler Gordon

Hello, any news about this issue ?

Hello henri.piot,

We have a release being planned for March 29th which will include the fix.

Thank you for your patience!

Best regards,


Did the realease happened yesterday ? Thank you ?

Hi henri.piot,

Yes! The new version is 8.7.2

Best regards,
Tyler Gordon

Hello thank you, I’m sorry, maybe i’m doing something wrong, but I just Checked if the bug was done, but it still render radio instead of checkbox, putting thoses red box in the PDF, so nothing changed using 8.7.2…
Could you confirm that the fix is working for you ? thank you



I loaded the document with the latest build on the local samples can they render as check boxes:

Can you provide a sample project to reproduce the issue?

Best regards,


What version do you have ? i’m trying with 8.7.2 and style not working !

Hello henri.piot,

What browser are you using?

Best regards,

Hello sorry, long time ne see i’m using any kind of browser, safari chrome firefox, even Arc, and nothing change …