PDF.js Express Version
Core version 7.3.2
UI version 7.3.0
Detailed description of issue
By default, the note type annotation is placed on the PDF with its icon’s upper left corner touching where the user had clicked. Is there a way to reposition the icon so that its lower LEFT corner is placed where the user clicks? Even better would be if I could set it to be positioned precisely at the bottom point of the speech bubble “spike”.
Assuming this is possible, will the icon positioning translate to the downloaded PDFs as well?
Expected behaviour
{Provide a screenshot or description of the expected behaviour}
Does your issue happen with every document, or just one?
{Answer here}
Link to document
{Provide a link to the document in question if possible}
We actually thought of the solution you presented and gave it a try yesterday. Unfortunately it seems that it doesn’t scale properly when zooming in or out, as the offset stays the same while the document gets bigger or smaller.
Instead of intercepting the coordinates and adjusting them slightly, do you know of a way we can dynamically set the anchor point to be bottom left corner to begin with?