Using below code i can put stamp on all pdfs properly at desired coordinates.
var stampAnnot = new annotations.StampAnnotation();
stampAnnot.PageNumber = 1;
stampAnnot.X = 463;
stampAnnot.Y = 463;
stampAnnot.Width = 155;
stampAnnot.Height = 52;
stampAnnot.ImageData = `.....`
stampAnnot.Author = await annotManager.getCurrentUser();
But the issue comes when I use pdf which is converted from image or other doc.
The pdf converted is perfectly fine but when i use same above code for stamp
it puts stamp on different position.
Which means coordinate X= 463, Y= 463 is different in different PDF’s which has been converted from other types of doc. ( image, word etc).
Please suggest me any solution to it as i am stuck in this since 5 days.
I am emailing you the sample PDFs on which i am facing issues on
Abhishek Maurya