Viewer is freezing with specail file

The viewer setup on the React/vite app. Working fine with most of the files. I tried to open this file (Google Drive) in my app and saw that when scrolling it freezes in sometimes for couple a seconds. It’s blocks the UI and bad for the UX.

The bug is reproduced on demo of PDF.js Express, please try to open the file that I attached above.
I updated the viewer to 8.7.5 but it’s not resolved this issue.

Reproduced on:

  • macOS
  • chromium based browsers in incognito mode (Arc, Chromium, Opera)
  • PDF.js Expresss version 8.7.4
  • react 18.2.0
  • vite 5.0.8

I tested this bug in the performance tab of Chrome dev tools and recognized that one of the functions named getImageData is executing too long.

It take about 17262ms to execute. Here is part of the code that causing the troubles:

function(e) {
						for (var r$jscomp$0 = arguments.length, s = Array(1 < r$jscomp$0 ? r$jscomp$0 - 1 : 0), o = 1; o < r$jscomp$0; o++)
							s[o - 1] = arguments[o];
						r$jscomp$0 = function() {
							p$jscomp$0 = [e].concat(s);
							var r = e.getContext("2d").getImageData(0, 0, e.width, e.height).data;
							b("r", i$jscomp$0, e.width, e.height)
						window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.requestAnimationFrame(r$jscomp$0) : setTimeout(r$jscomp$0, 0)

The code is quite complicated and I don’t understand what this function does.

I investigated this file which causing the problem and he has so many graphics and this can be the case of reezing.

What is the reason for this such a long function execution that blocks the entire UI? How to fix it? And there will be some patch fixes for this, if yes then when?

Please inform me if you need additional information.

Hellon Kashanyk,

I have requested access to the problematic file.

Best Regards,

Add you a permission to download the file!

Hellon Kashanyk,

Could you also provide a video showing the issue with scrolling and freezing?
Are you able to reproduce this issue on this demo?

Hello Darian.
Here is a loom video that shows the problem of viewer freezing.
The issue is not reproducing on Appryse demo.

The good news is that my client doesn’t have many of those files causing lags so we can wait for the patch/fix unpainfully for my client. As I mentioned this file has many small images that are hard to render and I think such a fix can take much time to implement.

Best regards,
Taras Kashanyk

Hello Darian! Are there any updates on this issue?

Hello kashanyk,

Thank you for reaching out, I was able to reproduce this issue however we will not be pushing a new version of PDF.JS Express with the updated PDF.JS library.

I tested this file with our sister-product’s Showcase (this uses an in-house built rendering ending), which worked correctly.

I can forward you to sales if you would like to discuss WebViewer, or you can contact them here: Contact Sales | Apryse

Best regards,