Hi There
I’m trying to run this repo locally and having problems as well.
I switched to the 8.7 repo and seem to be able to run build and start without any problems but nothing ever loads up in the browser, it just keeps spinning indicating it’s loading but it’s just hanging forever…
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot redefine property: w
at Function.defineProperties (<anonymous>)
at va.a (webviewer-core.min.js:2241:175)
at va.a (webviewer-core.min.js:2223:376)
at Module.<anonymous> (webviewer-core.min.js:2408:207)
at r (webviewer-core.min.js:48:348)
at Object.<anonymous> (webviewer-core.min.js:2407:409)
at r (webviewer-core.min.js:48:348)
at webviewer-core.min.js:52:502
at webviewer-core.min.js:53:7
at webviewer-core.min.js:2678:283
Can I just continue with their file and still authenticate with PDFjs Express? Without trying to use anything that isn’t part of PDFjs Express not to break anything.
If not, how can I make it work with PDFjs Express files…?
I was able to run the core viewer using the core folder from the @pdftron/webviewer package with Version 8 too now.
So my question now is:
Will I be able to register with you (pdfjs) while still using the Apryse version of the core folder? I don’t need any of the extra features Apryse offer right now, I plan on purchasing your license from you. I just want to be sure I’ll be able to customize the UI.
While the UI and Core files technically do not work with each other, the Core folder from @pdftron/webviewer is built completely differently compared to @pdftron/pdfjs-express and will not work with the pdf.js express license.
We do not officially support mixing pdftron/webviewer with pdf.js-express packages so it is not guaranteed to work. However the WebViewer-UI folder is available in our guide for reference.
As a note, you can contact the Apryse Sales team here: Contact Sales | Apryse and they can work with you to provide a custom package even if you do not need all their functionalities.