Any flutterweb integration sample available?

Hi there,

This would be the scale input container that is tied to the tool:

Best regards,
Kevin Kim

I am getting this error when i tried to set scale from code
“Passing a function to tool.setStyles is deprecated, please pass an object instead. The deprecated argument will be removed in 7.0.”

Also please let me know how can i set scale for all from code (distance, area, perimeter, etc)

I would like to know how can I reset all scale to 1pt on page load

Also how can I hide the scale measurement line after setting scale


Can you share your code snippet that is using to set the scale?

To set scale with code, please follow this guide:

For pageLoad, you may want to use the pageComplete event
or the documentLoaded event:

To hide the scale measurement line, you can disable/enable them:
instance.UI.disableElements([ 'calibrateButton']);
However note that it will disable/enable them entirely.

If you have any additional inquiries regarding PDF.js, please create a separate topic if it is no longer related to the original post.

Best regards,
Kevin Kim