Download Button Not Working

When attempting to download a PDF, it just spins and never actually outputs the file to the browser. The only code we added to make sure the feature is enabled is below:


We have tested this using the latest 7.1.2, but we have also tried 7.1.1 and it seems to still fail.

The download button does work when using 7.0.1, so it seems the latest release broke this functionality. We hope to see a new version soon as this impacts us heavily.

Thanks Nick,

We will look into this ASAP.


Hey Nate,

I believe this was probably caused by that struct error people are seeing. We are just in the final testing phase of the new release, so hold tight!


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I figured, thanks for the update!


7.2.0 has been released, and your issue should be fixed. A changelog will be coming soon.

If you run into any more issues please let me know!


Thanks Logan, we were able to test out both problems and both are working great in 7.2.0, thank you for listening and handling these problems for us!

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