Error: A valid license key is required to use the view only build of PDF.js Express

Which product are you using?
PDF.js Express Viewer

PDF.js Express Version

Detailed description of issue
Im trying Webviewer out on localhost but get the error: A valid license key is required to use the view only build of PDF.js Express. Get your free license key at (account required)

Even though i set the free license key which i generated in my profile.

Code snippet
path: path,
licenseKey: ‘my-license-key’,
initialDoc: ‘/Re_sabel.pdf’,
).then((instance) => {

Hello david.dekker,

The license key should not be in the format ‘my-license-key’, could this be a variable instead?

Best regards,

In my code the actual key is in there.
Took it out for the example.

Did you resolve this @david.dekker ? I’m having the same issue.