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Detailed description of issue
I create a Listbox with
...} else if (annot.getCustomData("type") === "Listbox") {
if (annot.getCustomData("multiline") === "true") {
flags.set(instance.Annotations.WidgetFlags.MULTI_SELECT, true);
} else {
flags.set(instance.Annotations.WidgetFlags.MULTI_SELECT, false);
const font = new instance.Annotations.Font({ name: "Helvetica" });
var qselections = [];
var options = JSON.parse(annot.getCustomData("options"));
options.forEach((option) => {
qselections.push({ value: option });
field = new instance.Annotations.Forms.Field(annot.Id, {
type: "Ch",
options: qselections,
annotField = new instance.Annotations.ListWidgetAnnotation(field);
instance.annotManager.addAnnotation(annotField); ...
On the field I add the following
field.addEventListener("commit", this.fieldChanged)
The event handler is:
fieldChanged = (value, annot) => {
var field = annot.getField();
There are two issue that I notice:
Issue 1 - when selecting one value in the Listbox the event handler method gets called two times.
Issue 2 - when selecting multiple values in the Listbox I expect to get an array of values. This does not happen and in the debug console I get the following error:
TypeError: z.replace is not a function
at da.ik.f7 (:2443:111)
at a.refresh (:527:360)
at oa.refresh (:1867:101)
at a.Ci (:527:161)
at oa.<anonymous> (:517:265)
at :677:8
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at x.trigger (:676:530)
at HTMLSelectElement.<anonymous> (http://localhost:3000/webviewer/lib/core/webviewer-core.min.js:1870:271) {stack: 'TypeError: z.replace is not a function
at…ewer/lib/core/webviewer-core.min.js:1870:271)', message: 'z.replace is not a function'}
Uncaught Error Error: TypeError: z.replace is not a function
at ha (http://localhost:3000/webviewer/lib/core/webviewer-core.min.js:214:1)
at <anonymous> (http://localhost:3000/webviewer/lib/core/webviewer-core.min.js:677:69)
at x.trigger (http://localhost:3000/webviewer/lib/core/webviewer-core.min.js:676:530)
at <anonymous> (http://localhost:3000/webviewer/lib/core/webviewer-core.min.js:1870:271)
TypeError: z.replace is not a function
at da.ik.f7 (:2443:111)
at a.refresh (:527:360)
at oa.refresh (:1867:101)
at a.Ci (:527:161)
at a.Kb (:524:9)
at :2605:223
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at f.ha.qa.Dm (:2597:255)
at f.ha.qa.SD.GK (:2605:206)
at f.ha.qa.SD.Kb (http://localhost:3000/webviewer/lib/core/webviewer-core.min.js:2605:120) {stack: 'TypeError: z.replace is not a function
at…ewer/lib/core/webviewer-core.min.js:2605:120)', message: 'z.replace is not a function'}
Expected behaviour
For Issue 1 - I expect the event handler to be called only once
For Issue 2 - I expect the event handler to return an array of selected values.
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