Detailed description of issue
I keep getting “TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘split’)” when I try to load base64 document Expected behaviour
{Provide a screenshot or description of the expected behaviour}
Does your issue happen with every document, or just one?
{Answer here}
Link to document
{Provide a link to the document in question if possible}
In the future please fully fill out the issue template so I do not have to ask the following questions:
Can you please provide me with sample code showing how you are loading the document? Also if you have a document that you can reproduce with, sending that over would be helpful as well.
hey Logan,
here is a code sample of how I am loading the document.
//first convert the base64 string to blob
// is a base64 string
const doc = fetch(
.then(res => res.blob())
//then load the document using the blob
instance.UI.loadDocument(doc, { filename: 'myfile.pdf' });