Which product are you using?
PDF.js Express Version
Detailed description of issue
When a document loads, the viewer throws a undefined error. This also happens when the mouse moves anywhere on the page. Document loads fine, but lags to render when scrolling down or back up.
I recently changed from @pdftron/pdfjs-express to @pdftron/pdfjs-express-viewer. I deleted all the previous files from pdfjs-express.
I am using blazor to develop.
Expected behaviour
Does your issue happen with every document, or just one?
Every document
Link to document
Code snippet
WebViewer_ = await WebViewer({
path: ‘pdfjsexpress/7.8.0’,
licenseKey: key
}, viewerElement).then(instance => {
window.getBlob(request_options, (blob, filename) => {
try {
instance.UI.loadDocument(blob, { filename: filename });
catch (e) {