Evaluating PDF.Js Express as alternative for PDF.Js


I have placed the folder in our webserver and tried as suggested but I am getting the below error. Please suggest if I am missing something here. All file permissions are set to 775.


PDF.js Express

path: “/apps/psofthr/ORQHRTST/webserv/orqhrtstt/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/orqhrtst/PDFJSExpress/lib”, // path to the PDF.js Express’lib’ folder on your server
licenseKey: ‘Insert commercial license key here after purchase’,
//initialDoc: ‘https://pdftron.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/pl/webviewer-demo.pdf’,
initialDoc: “/apps/psofthr/ORQHRTST/webserv/orqhrtstt/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/orqhrtst/PDFJSExpress/PDF.js Express Evaluation License.pdf”, // You can also use documents on your server
}, document.getElementById(‘viewer’))
.then(instance => {
const docViewer = instance.docViewer;
const annotManager = instance.annotManager;
// call methods from instance, docViewer and annotManager as needed

// you can also access major namespaces from the instance as follows:
// const Tools = instance.Tools;
// const Annotations = instance.Annotations;

docViewer.on(‘documentLoaded’, () => {
// call methods relating to the loaded document