Infinite loop of errors on free Viewer (annotations still clickable)

On the free viewer the right click menu is still showing annotation options, if you click any of them it will infinitely log a lot of errors to the console.

This is happening even in your demo, e.g. go to PDF.js Viewer Demo | PDF.js Express open the console, right click in the viewer somewhere, click any of the annotation buttons.

Hello jordan.holland,

Thank you for reporting this! It looks like this issue has been solved in the latest version of PDFJS Express, v8.6. The demo runs v8.2.

Best regards,
Tyler Gordon
Web Development Support Engineer

Hi Tyler, thanks for the reply that makes sense.

I’ve just checked NPM and the package for the free version hasn’t been updated to 8.6.0, however the paid version is up to date on NPM.


Hello jordan.holland,

We will be releasing v8.6 of the Viewer version in our next sprint, thank you for your patience.

Best regards,
Tyler Gordon
Web Development Support Engineer

This issue is still a problem in 8.7.2 and the demo viewer 8.7.2. No annotations enabled but right click and you can see the options. Clicking on any option throws a lot of console log errors.

Hi there,

Thank you for your report,

We’ve added the issue to our backlog to be worked on in the future. We don’t have a timeline for when it will be fixed but if it does get fixed we’ll let you know when it’s available in an experimental build to test out and the estimated official release date.

Best regards,
Kevin Kim