Is there any way to remove watermarks in development mode?

PDF.js Express Version

Detailed description of issue
I am getting the pdftron watermark even after adding license key to the Webviewer. Is there any way to remove that? Watermarks are coming in both development mode and production mode.

Expected behaviour
{Provide a screenshot or description of the expected behaviour}

Does your issue happen with every document, or just one?
{Answer here}

Link to document
{Provide a link to the document in question if possible}

Code snippet
async ngAfterViewInit(): Promise {
licenseKey: ’ ', //added my license key here
disableFlattenedAnnotations: true,
path: ‘…/…/…/…/…/wv-resources/lib’,
config: ‘…/…/…/…/…/wv-resources/lib/ui/config/file.js’, // relative to your HTML file


Hey there!

You should not be getting a PDFTron watermark at all - are you using the right library?

If you have ever switched from Express to PDFTron, make sure all the old files were deleted before switching.
