Outdated JavaScript Library: Moment.js 2.29.3

Which product are you using?
PDF.js Express Plus

PDF.js Express Version

  1. Build: “MS8yMC8yMDIzfGIzYTExOTI2Yw==”
  2. Core version: “8.7.1”
  3. Full API: false
  4. UI version: “8.7.0”
  5. WebViewer Server: false
  6. webviewer.min.js: “8.7.1”

Detailed description of issue
A security test shows that the Moment.js version is out of date and has vulnerabilities.

Expected behaviour
All javascript libraries should be up-to-date and not have any vulnerabilities.

Does your issue happen with every document, or just one?

Link to document
Private link.

Code snippet
In webviewer-core.min,.js line 859

wa(“x”,function(f,h,e){e._d=new Date(za(f))});


Hello jonathan.rhodes,

Thank you for raising this and apologies for the delayed response. I have raised this to our development team for review.

Best regards,

Thank you for the update