pageNavOverlay always visible

Which product are you using?
PDF.js Express Plus

PDF.js Express Version
Core version: “8.7.4”
UI version: “8.7.0”

Detailed description of issue
Make the pageNavOverlay (showing at the bottom of the page) static i.e. always visible

Hello Retrotech,

You can keep the pageNavOverlay visible by changing the CSS properties.
Here is a guide on how to customize styles in the viewer: PDF.js Express Viewer Style Customization (Color & CSS) | Documentation

    licenseKey: 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY',
    path: 'lib',
    css: 'path/to/stylesheet.css'

​ },

In the CSS file, you can add the following snippet to ensure the pageNavOverlay doesn’t disappear.

.PageNavOverlay {
    opacity: 1!important;

Best Regards,

I couldn’t get it to work with the CSS path. Maybe the reference path was wrong. Instead I used the below

const iframeDoc = instance.UI.iframeWindow.document;
const querySelector = iframeDoc.querySelector('[data-element="pageNavOverlay"]'); = 1 = 'visible';

Hi there,

The CSS path reference is likely incorrect. If you are using a React project, I think the file will have to be in the public folder.

If your file is in ‘public/files’ then the constructor should be:

css: '/files/custom.css',

We recommend using this approach instead of the iframe way.

Best Regards,