We’ve just upgraded coming from 7.1.0 and we cannot load documents anymore with either isReadOnly set to true or enableAnnotations set to false. A combination of both also doesn’t work.
CoreControls.js:188 TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
at webviewer-ui.min.js:50
at ba.<anonymous> (webviewer-ui.min.js:221)
at CoreControls.js:469
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at ba.f.trigger (CoreControls.js:468)
at ba.U1 (CoreControls.js:329)
at Object.setReadOnly (webviewer-ui.min.js:50)
at webviewer-ui.min.js:221
at webviewer-ui.min.js:221
This error completely kills the editor, we of course rolled back for now but would be good to fix this regression.