Scroll performance PDFJS vs PDFJS express

On the demo site PDF.js vs PDF.js Express | Compare Out-of-the-box Features the scroll behaviour of vanilla PDFJS feels notably more responsive and smooth than the one from express. Especially on mobile.
Is there any parameters in express to tweak this behaviour or to restore the default PDFJS behaviour ?

We are currently using vanilla PDFJS, but are evaluating switching to the more sophisticated express implementation.
The UX is an important topic for us, since our software is mobile first.

Looking forward to your reply :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi there,

Thank you for contacting pdf.js express forums,

I am not sure if we have any API regarding scrolling but we have PDFJS Express WebViewer Namespace: UI.

On the demo site, I do not notice much difference in scrolling between the two viewers.

We also have a public UI repository you can view:

We also encourage you to try out WebViewer product at PDFTron:

Best regards,
Kevin Kim