Detailed description of issue
We are having an issue with search not finding a term that is present in a document. When searching for the term diabetes it’s not finding the result.
However when highlighting it on page 29 I noticed that it’s got some hidden space within the word dia betes.
Are you able to confirm this is a pdf.js issue and not jsexpress? We opened the document in acrobat and it’s able to find the word correctly.
Expected behaviour
Find the term diabetes on page 29.
Does your issue happen with every document, or just one?
So far just this one, but we’ve had multiple situations of words not displaying correctly in the viewer.
This appears to be an issue with the text parsing in the core library we use (PDF.js). The text parser is returning a space in the middle of those words
We do not normally support bugs coming from PDF.js, but we can investigate when we have some time and see if we can find a fix.