After this file has beed displayed in PDFJSExpress Webviewer, then I xfdf/merge the document using your merge rest API.
The result of that, at the end is that now I get 2 widgets in my document. It is like they were doubled…
The widget is clearly doubled because I tried to select the annotation within annotation.GetAnnotationsList(), and apply a transformation using annot.SetRect( … ).
After merging I can see 2 widgets in my PDF file…
Also one remark :
I can see 2 annotations using cosEdit tool, but I get only one item in the annotationManager.GetAnnotationsList().
Can you explain what happens ?
Best Regards,
Any news in this field ?
That’s a problem if we can’t use your API REST for xfdf/merge.
I did some tries and discovered that after XFDF/MERGE the pdf file looks to have a problem of structure. If I try to open it with PDFSharp, I get this error message :