Uploading signature from other drive instead of local drive

Which product are you using?

PDF.js Express Version

Detailed description of issue
I have some technical difficulties with the signature part of the pdfjs express. I am trying to point the upload signature to my SharePoint drive, such that when I click on upload signature it goes to my SharePoint drive instead of my local drive.

Expected behaviour
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Does your issue happen with every document, or just one?
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Link to document
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Code snippet
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Hello, I’m Ron, an automated tech support bot :robot:

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Hi There,

Thank you for your question. In order to handle this, you’ll need to have the SharePoint implementation on your side and then you can use our API to use these signatures.

To load the saved signatures you have on SharePoint, you can use the method importSignatures.

To save the signatures on your SharePoint drive, you can use the output of exportSignatures method.

In order to open your custom modal with the solution for SharePoint here is a code snippet to help you about how to open your modal instead of the local drive.

}, document.getElementById('viewer')).then(instance => {

  const { UI } = instance;

  const iframeDoc = UI.iframeWindow.document;

  // Setting up your modal to open the SharePoint drive files
  var modal = {
    dataElement: 'meanwhileInFinlandModal',
    render: function renderCustomModal(){
      var div = document.createElement("div");
      div.style.color = 'white';
      div.style.backgroundColor = '#132454';
      div.style.padding = '20px 40px';
      div.style.borderRadius = '5px';
      div.style.width = '100%';
      div.style.height = '100%';
      div.innerText = 'Modal to handle with SharePoint drive';
      return div

  // Listening to visibility changes into signature modal
  UI.addEventListener('visibilityChanged', e => {
    const { element, isVisible } = e.detail;
    if(element === 'signatureModal' && isVisible) {
      const pickImageButton = iframeDoc.querySelector('.image-signature-upload #upload');
      // Opening your custom modal when the user clicks to choose a signature in the local drive
      pickImageButton.addEventListener('click', (e) => {

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,
