[URGENT] XFDF Merge REST API missing some form fields value

Which product are you using?
PDF.js Express Plus

PDF.js Express Version
UI Version: 8.7.0
Core Version: 8.7.5
webviewer.min.js: 8.7.5

Detailed description of issue
There are many form fields in my PDF document. When I fill some of them then download, some of fields are not merged into the downloaded version, but some are merged

Expected behaviour
All of field should be merged into my downloaded version.

Does your issue happen with every document, or just one?
Many documents

Link to document
asguard.pdf (73.0 KB)

After downloaded, the “Product Name” field and the “Title” fields are missing value after editting and downloading.

Code snippet
I am using ReactJS and this is my code for download function.

import WebViewer from '@pdftron/pdfjs-express';
import ExpressUtils from '@pdftron/pdfjs-express-utils';
import saveAs from 'file-saver';

const { documentViewer, annotationManager } = instance.Core;
      const utils = new ExpressUtils({
        serverKey: serverKey,
        clientKey: clientKey,

const fileData = await documentViewer.getDocument().getFileData({});
const xfdf = await annotationManager.exportAnnotations({});

const resp = await utils.setFile(fileData).setXFDF(xfdf).merge();
const mergedBlob = await resp.getBlob();

saveAs(mergedBlob, attachment.fileName);

I realized that the XFDF fields in the resp containing our edited values but after getBlob and save, the “Product Name” and “Title” fields are missing.

My “Product Name” : “PINK PATT” and my “TITLE” is “MRS”. But after download, these fields are blank in the final document.

Here is my XFDF in the response and it still contains the value:
xfdf.xml.zip (2.5 KB)

Hello steven.y,

Try adding:

instance.Core.annotationManager.exportAnnotations({fields: true})

This will include the fields in the exported XFDF

Best regards

Hi tgordon,

I have added that, but it did not work also. The problem is some edited text fields have value, some do not.

You can try to reproduce that with my given document asguard.pdf. After download, not all the fields have value

Edit version:

Download version:

You can see that only Unique Superannuation Identifier is updated.

Hi @tgordon ,

Do you and your team have any updates on this ? Thank you. We bought the license and currently are in urgent case and really need your team support. Thank you.

Hi @tgordon ,
We are still facing the issue. Do you have any update on this?

Thank you

@tgordon I have attached the PDF file that we are having problem with. The code we have works fine with other PDF files. Hope this helps you with troubleshooting.

Asguard.pdf (80.6 KB)