Add signature fields to PDFs

Hi there!

Our documentation for this feature is not the greatest and this is something I will improve in the near future.

For now, here is some code to get you started:

  const { annotManager, Annotations } = instance;
  const { WidgetFlags } = Annotations;

  document.getElementById('b1').onclick = async () => {
    // set flags for required
    const flags = new WidgetFlags();
    flags.set('Required', true);

    // create a form field
    const field = new Annotations.Forms.Field("some signature field name", { 
      type: 'Sig', 

    // create a widget annotation
    const widgetAnnot = new Annotations.SignatureWidgetAnnotation(field, {
      appearance: '_DEFAULT',
      appearances: {
        _DEFAULT: {
          Normal: {
            offset: {
              x: 100,
              y: 100,

    // set position and size
    widgetAnnot.PageNumber = 1;
    widgetAnnot.X = 100;
    widgetAnnot.Y = 100;
    widgetAnnot.Width = 50;
    widgetAnnot.Height = 20;

    //add the form field and widget annotation

Note that this signature field will not be merged into the document when saving, to do so, you need to use our Merge REST API.

Let me know if you need anything else!


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