Angular example is not working as expected on mobile devices

Which product are you using?
PDF.js Express Viewer

PDF.js Express Version

Detailed description of issue
When using the vanilla Angular example (upgraded to latest pdf.js version) pinch-to-zoom is not working on mobile devices. When viewing the Angular app from my macbook, I can zoom and pan as expected.


Using Angular 15

There is also no error message about it.

Panning also does not work on mobile (not even when the “panToolButton” is activated).
“selectToolButton” appears on mobile, even though it is disabled

instance.UI.disableElements(['leftPanel', 'leftPanelButton', 'selectToolButton']);
Build: "MTAvMjYvMjAyMnxmNTAwMDQ1NjA="
Core version: "8.7.0"
Full API: false
UI version: "8.7.0"
WebViewer Server: false
webviewer.min.js: "8.7.0"

BTW, when downgrading zoom pinchin and pan works well

Build: "NC8xMi8yMDIyfDRkZTU3MmExYg=="
Core version: "8.4.0"
Full API: false
UI version: "8.4.1"