In Full-Screen Mode, Enable Two-Page Navigation with Next and Previous Buttons

Which product are you using?
PDF.js Express Viewer

PDF.js Express Version

Detailed description of issue
I am implementing a feature to display pages side by side. I have successfully added next and previous buttons for navigation in the normal view, allowing users to navigate two pages at a time. However, when in full-screen mode, I am unable to display these custom buttons in the same manner as the library’s default buttons, which appear at the bottom center. I also attempted to capture the events of the existing library’s previous/next buttons without success. Could you provide any suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

Expected behaviour
Users should be able to navigate two pages at a time using the previous and next buttons in full screen mode.

Does your issue happen with every document, or just one?
This issue occurs only when a document is opened in full-screen mode.

Code snippet

navigateToNextPage = () => {
        const totalPages = this.documentViewer.getPageCount();
        const currentPage = this.documentViewer.getCurrentPage();

        if (currentPage < totalPages) {
            const nextPage = Math.min(currentPage + 2, totalPages);

    navigateToPreviousPage = () => {
        const currentPage = this.documentViewer.getCurrentPage();
        const previousPage = Math.max(currentPage - 2, 1);
        if (currentPage > 1) {

Hi there,

Using your code, I am able to navigate to the 3rd & 4th page in double page mode in our demo (PDF.js Viewer Demo | PDF.js Express) in full screen mode:

All I am applying is the code in the console:

const totalPages = documentViewer.getPageCount();
const currentPage = documentViewer.getCurrentPage();

if (currentPage < totalPages) {
    const nextPage = Math.min(currentPage + 2, totalPages);

The bottom buttons still appear in full screen mode when the mouse is near that area.

Best regards,
Kevin Kim

Yes that logic currently working for normal view custom( created by me) buttons.

For full screen mode. How can I want get the event of user clicked on next and previous buttons?

You can add a listener using javaScript to the buttons.

This is the button element:

then you can add an event listener to the button like so:

Then the button will click to page 4 (page 3 first then the next page). This works in full screen mode as well.

Best regards,
Kevin Kim