Number of replies not updated

Hi, We are facing the following scenario:

  1. Any .pdf document is opened in the RF Reader application.
  2. Click on the ‘Annotate’ mode, select any Annotation/Shape option, and set the annotation.
  3. Open the ‘Comment’ panel and select the annotation in the list.
  4. Left a comment for this annotation.
  5. Create several replies for this annotation.
  6. Delete one reply.

Actual result: The count of replies in the Comment panel is not changed when deleting one of them.
Expected result: The count of replies should be changed when deleting one of them.

Hi there,

Are you able to reproduce this on the demo site? PDF.js Viewer Demo | PDF.js Express

I created 4 replies and deleted one and the tooltip shows 3 replies as expected on our demo:

Please try updating to the latest version and see if that resolves your issue.

Best regards,
Kevin Kim