PDF.js Watermark Patch

Hi everyone,

There has been a few issues lately where watermarks are appearing even though a valid license key is provided. A lot of these issues are caused by a rarely occurring bug related to timezones and time sensitive keys.

We have released a patch (version 7.0.1) that addresses this issue. If you have already upgraded to 7.0, this should be a seamless upgrade.

If you are still using version 6.X, you can patch your application with the following instructions:

  1. Download the patched files here
  1. Extract the files and move them into {pdfjs_path}/public/core/pdfjs. This will overwrite two files, pdfjsexpress.wasm and pdfjsexpress.asm.js

Thats it! If you run into any issues, feel free to let me know.

Thank you,