Pdfjs Express Free Showing 7-day Trial Has Expired

Which product are you using?

PDF.js Express Version

Detailed description of issue
{I am using PDF.js Express Viewer. I registered and got a license key by going to My Account > Subscriptions > PDF.js Express Viewer keys. I installed it properly after mentioning a license key. The viewer was working. Now I have the following two issues:

  1. A watermark “Apryse” was visible in the middle of each previewed pdf since starting of use. Tell me how we can remove that.
  2. It is giving a msg that your 7-day trial period expired now and the pdf is not getting rendered.
    We thought it was free forever. }

Please the screenshot here about the issue:

Expected behaviour
We need to view all pdfs without any trial period msg and watermark.

Does your issue happen with every document, or just one?

Link to document
{Not possible.}

Code snippet

path: ‘WebViewer/lib’, // path to the PDF.js Express’lib’ folder on your server
licenseKey: ‘hidden’,
//initialDoc: ‘https://pdftron.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/pl/webviewer-demo.pdf’,
initialDoc: ‘/media/sample-text.pdf’, // You can also use documents on your server
}, document.getElementById(‘viewer’))
.then(instance => {
// now you can access APIs through the WebViewer instance
const { Core, UI } = instance;

// adding an event listener for when a document is loaded
Core.documentViewer.addEventListener('documentLoaded', () => {
  console.log('document loaded');

// adding an event listener for when the page number has changed
Core.documentViewer.addEventListener('pageNumberUpdated', (pageNumber) => {
  console.log(`Page number is: ${pageNumber}`);


Hello mverma.speedspath,

Thank you for reaching out,

I see you have three active viewer keys, can you share the network logs and console logs?

Best regards,

Hi Tyler,

The trial period issue has been resolved. But the watermark issue still exists. See attached screenshot, we are seeing a watermark “pdfjs.express” in every previewed pdf. Please tell us how we can remove this watermark.

Here is the console log:

Screenshot 2024-02-29 213720.png

Hello mverma.speedspath,

Thats great to hear!

Does the same watermark appear when you open the document in Chrome/Adobe/Firefox? This would mean the watermark is actually embedded in the document.

If you could provide the logs mentioned previously, that would help us debug this issue as well.

Thank you,
Tyler Gordon