Detailed description of issue
Hi Team
we have been testing pdf express print feature. we have couple of questions
1.we want to reset print settings on modal close is there any way programatically to click “reset all settings” in watermark popup(please refer image 1)
2. can we hide “include comments” and “include annotations” using script(please refer image 2)
Hi @kkim thanks for update. yeah i was able to set print default options only during initialization. but not when we change the document.for example please have a look on the below code.
path: ‘lib’, // path to the PDFTron ‘lib’ folder on your server
}, document.getElementById($attrs.inputId))
.then(function (instance) {
$scope.docViewerInstance = instance;
var docViewer = instance.docViewer;
var annotManager = instance.annotManager;
It looks like the above API sets a default print option for that instance. Meaning unless the page is refreshed it looks like the options are set.
You could programmatically force the includeAnnotations & includeComments options using printInBackground API
There is no watermark option for the printInBackground API, however you could apply the watermark using setWatermark API before printing, see this forum post for more details: