Restoring the widgets annot still shows "Sign here" for stamps but not for freehand

Logan, thank-you for looking into this.
In a single signature it all works fine. My use case is a bit different.
I generate two signature fields on top of each other. (Each signature is for a different team/company. The plan is to turn them on/off depending on what company is selected for viewing.)
I export the xfdf and store into the database, this looks fine and as expended with two fields, two widgets and two field for the values.

I sign each of the signature fields by toggling on/off the team/company. I can see each signature for each company, all is working fine. I’m storing the signature (free hand annot, or stamp) into the DB by exporting the xfdf again (the xfdf now includes the fields, widgets, field values and now the annotation free hand signature) I parse the xfdf and select and store the annot tag (signature freehand annot).

The problem happens when I restore the signature into the field. The restore process happens on document is loaded event and I first restore/import the xfdf with the fields. For each signature field I import the freehand annotation. When I do this, it looks as if the annotation is automatically associated to the field via position My problem is that I have two field at the same location and they end-up getting the same annotation automatically for each signature field.

I was hoping to use the WidgetAnnot.annot to assign the correct annotation to the field, but it is not working for me.

I know that I may be mixing two different things here (sign here and annotation association) sorry…

Much appreciate your help!!!