Signature with fixed position

Which product are you using?

PDF.js Express Plus 8.7.4

Detailed description of issue
When user adds signature to the signature form widget (“Sign here” area), he can further move / resize the signature. Is there a way to forbid changing the signature position? Setting signature annotation as ReadOnly / Locked / LockedContents doesn’t help.

Expected behaviour
Described above.

Code snippet
signatureTool.addEventListener(‘annotationAdded’, (annotation) => {
if (annotation.Subject === ‘Signature’) {
annotation.ReadOnly = true;
annotation.Locked = true;
annotation.LockedContents = true;

Hello nikitakemarskiy,

Can you try this instead?

annotationManager.addEventListener(‘annotationChanged’, (annotations, action, info) => {
if (annotations[0].Subject === ‘Signature’ && action === "add") {
annotation[0].ReadOnly = true;
annotation[0].Locked = true;
annotation[0].LockedContents = true;

Best regards

This approach works, thanks @tgordon!