Which product are you using?
PDF.js Express Viewer
PDF.js Express Version
Detailed description of issue
I have issue in printing large pdf file its take a minutes to open system print dialog.
Link to document
{Provide a link to the document in question if possible}
Code snippet
path: '/js/PDFJSExpress-view-only/lib', // path to the PDF.js Express'lib' folder on your server
licenseKey: '---------',
disabledElements: [
// 'languageButton',
// 'leftPanel',
// 'leftPanelButton',
// initialDoc: 'https://pdftron.s3.amazonaws.com/downloads/pl/webviewer-demo.pdf',
initialDoc: '',
// initialDoc: '/path/to/my/file.pdf', // You can also use documents on your server
}, document.getElementById('pdfViewer'))
.then(instance => {
// now you can access APIs through the WebViewer instance
const {Core, UI} = instance;
pdfViewer = instance;
const {documentViewer} = instance.Core;
instance.UI.setDefaultPrintOptions({includeComments: false, includeAnnotations: false});