Trying to show or hide tools on dev site but on dev site that's not not working properly, it is working in local site?

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Detailed description of issue
I am trying to customize header hiding or showing some tools but code is not working on the dev site it’s working proper in local site in reactjs ?

Local site snapshot :-

dev site snapshot :-

Code snippet
const disableElementArray = [
// ‘freeTextToolGroupButton’,
// ‘undoButton’,
// ‘redoButton’,

  const initializeWebViewer = (instance: any) => {
      const { annotationManager, documentViewer, Annotations } =

Hello Shahid,

How you are running your development environment? Does this only happen with these APIs?

Best Regards,

How you are running your development environment
=> Running development environment using azure devops cicd to build and deploy on kubernetes cluster

Does this only happen with these APIs?
=> This happing with the cloud and polygon tool I want to show cloud and polygon on dev site but not able to show it on dev site using the same code as local site.

local snapshot

dev snapshot

Some extra tools are showing on dev site like Highlight and free but not showing the polygon and cloud tool.

I want to enable tools only which are showing on local site snapshot. Can you please share me code for that or correct code ?

Hello Shahid,

Do you have a link to access the dev environment? You could also try running these APIs in the console of your dev environment by changing the context on the top dropdown to webviewer-1 in Chrome.

Does running the enable and disable APIs work in the console?

You could also try using css to hide and show the elements.

Can you please share me code once want to show the above tools only which has highlighted on snapshot ?

Hello Shahid,

Please try adding the setToolbarGroup API like so:


Best Regards,

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Thank you so much @darian.chen it’s working.

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