Watermark still visible with license

Which product are you using?

PDF.js Express Viewer

PDF.js Express Version

PDF.js Express Viewer 8.7.4 via NPM

Detailed description of issue

We’re using our license key on app.mega.hr. The root domain for the key is ‘mega.hr’, yet we are still seeing the watermark.

We are using pdftron/pdfjs-express-viewer from NPM.

The code is as follows:

Expected behaviour
Expected behavior would not have the watermark

Does your issue happen with every document, or just one?
All documents.

Code snippet
const WebViewer = (await import(‘@pdftron/pdfjs-express-viewer’)).default

    path: '/libs/pdf-express',
    initialDoc: url,
    licenseKey: "<Key Removed>",
    disabledElements: [
  }, ele).then(instance => {
    dispatch('ready', {


Hi there,

Registering the top level domain on your pdf.js express dashboard should allow subdomains. Please check if there are any failed network requests that may be blocking your license key.

best regards,
Kevin Kim

As far as I can tell the requests look fine:

The response to the key request is:


It looks like the request is going through, is there any messages in the console regarding a license issue? Could you try re-creating the license key?

Hi. Just generated a new one today and retested.

Same result. What’s next?

Hi there,

Did you try setting both your domain to “app.mega.hr” and "mega.hr?
Are you getting any console error messages?