PDF.js Express Version
Detailed description of issue
Currently textSearchInit() function is working fine for a single string but not for a regex.
Expected behaviour
Need to apply this function for a regex.
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Link to document
{Provide a link to the document in question if possible}
Code snippet
const { CoreControls } = instance;
docViewer.on('documentLoaded', () => {
let arr = [" ICO ", " 30/45 ", " 6AR ", " LD ", " 70D ", " 120 ", " EZ10 ", " TRW ", " CRI90 "]
const regexFromMyArray = arr.join("|");
const mode = CoreControls.Search.Mode.PAGE_STOP | CoreControls.Search.Mode.HIGHLIGHT;
const searchOptions = {
fullSearch: true, // search full document
onResult: result => {
if (result.resultCode === CoreControls.Search.ResultCode.FOUND) {
const textQuad = result.quads[0].getPoints();
const annot = new Annotations.TextHighlightAnnotation();
annot.X = textQuad.x1;
annot.Width = textQuad.x2 - textQuad.x1;
annot.Y = textQuad.y3;
annot.Height = textQuad.y1 - textQuad.y3;
annot.FillColor = new Annotations.Color(0, 255, 0, 0.5);
annot.StrokeColor = new Annotations.Color(255, 0, 0, 0.7);
annot.Quads = [textQuad];
// add custom property so we can check in annotationSelected function
annot.IsCustomSearch = true;
// start the search
docViewer.textSearchInit(regexFromMyArray, mode, searchOptions);
// Listen for when our search annots are selected
annotManager.on('annotationSelected', (annots) => {
if (!annots) return;
annots.forEach(annot => {
// check that our custom 'IsCustomSearch' property is set
if (annot instanceof Annotations.TextHighlightAnnotation && annot.IsCustomSearch) {
const { X, Y, Width, Height } = annot;
// Here you can use X, Y, Width, Height
// to create a new Rectangle Annotation!