Internal links don't work in PDF.js Express viewer

Which product are you using?
PDF.js Express Viewer

PDF.js Express Version

Detailed description of issue
When I click a hyperlink in the document which should take me to another page or position inside that document, as it does on Preview, the Google Chrome PDF viewer and when using the react-pdf library, nothing happens.

Expected behaviour
Internal links take you to another page or position in the PDF document.

Does your issue happen with every document, or just one?
Every document.

Link to document

Code snippet
Our setup uses the following code, but I’ve also tested this functionality using the PDF viewer demo and internal links aren’t working on there either.

          path: '/pdfjsexpress',
          licenseKey: "LICENSE_KEY_GOES_HERE",
          initialDoc: pdfUrl,
          enableAnnotations: false,
          disableLogs: true,
          isReadOnly: true,
          css: '/pdfjsexpress/ui/dark-theme.css',

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This is expected behaviour as PDF.js Express Viewer does not have annotation support, and links in PDFs are technically annotations.

If you need support for this you would have to upgrade to PDF.js Express Plus, which does have annotation support.


Hi Logan,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. That’s a shame as I’d assumed internal links would be treated slightly differently to other annotations, but I guess we’ll just have to work without that feature!



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