Make ZoomIn and ZoomOut buttons appear on mobile devices in portrait mode

Which product are you using?

PDF.js Express Viewer
PDF.js Express Version

Detailed description of issue
I need to show ZoomIn and ZoomOut buttons when in mobile mode.
Currently the ZoomIn and ZoomOut buttons appear when in landscape mode for mobile devices.
Is there a way in the API to force the ZoomIn and ZoomOut header buttons to appear on smaller devices when in portrait mode?

Expected behaviour

Does your issue happen with every document, or just one?
Yes. I happens in very document.

Link to document
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Code snippet
{Provide a relevant code snippet}

Hi there,

Thank you for reaching out to pdf.js express forums,

We have the API enableDesktopOnlyMode that can help with smaller dimensions, but at about 640px wide it will still hide the zoomOverlayButton:

One other way is to build your own custom UI via the following guide:

Best regards,
Kevin Kim

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Thanks for your suggestion. Will try it out.