SignatureWidgetAnnotation styling

Hello there!

I put a new styling on the widget that uses display flex. At the end of the signing process, the annotation has already been created, when I delete the annotation to be able to sign again, the display style changes to block. All the other stylizations I did remain, there’s only this change from flex to block.

Look how it is:


Styles before signing

Styles after signing


Hello vicente,

Looking into our backend, it seems we are setting the display to ‘block’ manually. You could add the !important tag to your CSS. Would this work for you?

Best regards,
Tyler Gordon
Web Development Support Engineer

Hello, Tyler!

I’ve already try this and it didn’t work, sorry for not mentioning.

It replaces display with none when I sign and then replaces display with block when I delete the annotation. Don’t consider what it had before, even if it has !important.


Hello vicente,

You could set the style back to flex after the annotation has been removed by listening to the annotationChanged event. Does that work for you?

Best regards,
Tyler Gordon
Web Development Support Engineer

Hello, Tyler!

Yes, I can do it that way. I just wanted to bring it up here because I thought it might be a bug. So I could fix it without having to manually change the styling again.

Thanks for the reply.
