Watermark doesn't get removed after putting license key

Hello @Logan,

I have also used the key in deployed server and there i don’t get any message
which i used to get in localhost, but i can see watermark still there.
Below is the code which i am using.



path: '../lib',

initialDoc: fileName,

licenseKey: "...."



).then(async instance => {

docViewer = instance.docViewer;


Also when annotated pdf is downloaded without license, it gets downloaded with PDFJS watermark. But when i use license key to download with proper syntax and code. It gives message of invalid License.

{“message”:“500 - Invalid license key. - {“statusCode”:500,“message”:“Invalid license key.”,“data”:{}} - /api/v1.0/user/download-exhibit/95166e60-e12b-11ea-848c-952b9361a872 - POST - ::ffff:”,“level”:“error”}

( But the license key we are using is absolutely correct, therefore we were getting message with domain name registered in localhost with same licenseKey).
Below is attached screenshot UI and core version using on server.

Please suggest if we are making any mistake or missing something.

Abhishek Maurya